“After surgery, as my vagina heals, its tendency is to shrink and close up. Vaginal dilators are used by women who have inadequately formed or surgically reconstructed vaginas to ensure sufficient circumference and depth for sexual intercourse. They range in size up to 6 1/2 inches in length and 1 1/2 inches diameter. The dilator has a detachable handle to assist insertion. Condoms are used for hygiene and KY jelly provides lubricant. My vagina does not produce its own lubrication. I began dilating 3 times a day, half an hour at a time. My whole day post surgery was a constant round of going to the toilet, preparing for dilation, dilating, personal hygiene and salt baths. Just getting up and down took all my energy. I cut down a whole forest of paper towels and toilet paper. After a few weeks, as I healed, life gradually returned to normal. I now dilate twice a day, once before work, and again before I go to bed. After 6 months I will reduce to once a day. 6 months after that I will go down to once a week. I will dilate for the rest of my life.”
– Paula Kaye 2004